
Important stuff by decree of the king (actually the committee).


We, the Adelaide Hills Fencing Club, solemnly promise never to collude, connive, conspire, or otherwise undertake similar machinations or political intrigue with Cardinal Richelieu, Count Tyrone Rugen, Professor Moriarty, or Mrs. Danvers.

Appropriate Attire
  • Fencers MUST wear long pants and covered shoes in addition to the masks, jackets, plastrons and gloves (available to be borrowed from the club).
  • It is strongly recommended that all fencers bring their own water bottles to avoid dehydration.
  • Parents of minors MUST sign-in their child at the start of each training session.
  • It is preferred that parents stay to supervise their children while at the club. If you are going to make drop off/pick up arrangements, make sure they happen inside the club training area (NOT in the carpark).
  • Younger children (e.g. non-fencing siblings) are to be supervised at all times.
  • Parents staying to watch the proceedings must remain in either the kitchen or observers areas - NOT in the principle training space.
Use of Club Space
  • Non-fencers have designated safe zones on the mezzanine, in the kitchen and in the corner of the gym near the entrance. Any swordplay in these areas is strictly forbidden.
  • Chairs may be taken up to the mezzanine area but MUST be removed when leaving.
  • The storage room is out of bounds for all children unless specifically requested.
  • Fencing bags are to be kept neatly to the edge of the hall, in a manner that does not impede with the fencing action.
  • All bouting/coaching to be done in the the same alignment.
Set Up & Pack Up
  • These duties should be shared by everyone – if you have fenced on a piste, you should help pack up somehow at the end of the session when you leave.
  • Senior fencers should be especially mindful of setting a good example for our younger fencers.
Club Equipment - Clothing, Masks and Bodywires
  • Clothing, masks and bodywires are available to be rented on a quarterly basis for a small fee.
  • If you need to borrow equipment, make sure it is signed out by a club official in the borrowing book.
  • You are responsible for keeping borrowed equipment clean and in good condition.
  • Clothing must be returned to the club if you are not renewing you membership and at the end of each year. Jackets, plastrons and gloves must be washed prior to returning. 
Club Equipment - Weapons
  • Weapons are provided for use in the club at training sessions.
  • Weapons are to be returned neatly to the racks/storage at the end of each training. If something is broken or not working, report it to a club official.
  • Weapons are available to be borrowed by members for participation in state competitions If you need to borrow weapons, make sure they are signed out by a club official in the borrowing book.
Responsibility of Fencers

By completing the membership process, you are confirming that you have read and understood the following FIE rule, which applies to all levels of training and competitions which come under the auspices of Affiliated Clubs and Associations of the Australian Fencing Federation Inc (AFF) and the Federation itself.

FIE RULE t.15 Responsibility of fencers: "Fencers arm, equip and clothe themselves and fence at their own responsibility and at their own risk. The safety measures specified in the Rules and in the standards contained in the appendix to them and the methods of control laid down in the present Rules (cf. Material Rules) are only designed to increase the fencers safety and cannot guarantee it. They cannot, therefore, whatever the manner in which they are applied, impart responsibility to the FIE, or to the organizers of competitions, to the officials or personnel who carry out such organization, or to those who may cause an injury."

The complete rules can be accessed on the FIE website:

Member Privacy

Please note that member information is held by the Adelaide Hills Fencing Club and that select items of this information may be provided to government bodies for the purposes of statistics collection, grant applications, and funding-related purposes.

In applying for or renewing membership of AHFC, members acknowledge that images (still or moving) of them at any fencing event (for example but not limited to; training sessions & competitions) may be used by AHFC for the purpose of promoting the club and fencing via its website, social media sites, newsletter and other publications. Images may show fencers engaged in competition or training or receiving and/or displaying medals won. In the case of minors (under the age of 18), this acknowledgement is given by the parent or guardian. AHFC will not provide any images of members to third parties without the express consent of the member.

Any member (the parent or guardian in the case of a minor) who does not wish any image of them to be used for the purpose described above should inform

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